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John Rawlings
Current moderator


The caring arms of the First Presbyterian church family reaches out to Perryville and beyond as we serve God in giving ways

Our community mission projects include:


“Souper Bowl Sunday” – for five Sundays we collect food to share with the New Life Mission Inn or a local food pantry.


“Backpack Bonanza”-we donated 50 hygiene bags to schools for needy children.


“Angel Tree”- we adopt families and/or elderly persons from East Missouri Action Agency for Christmas. Gifts and toys are shared with those in need. 


“Apple Ministry”-we deliver apples to teachers and/or nursing home employees to say thank you for their work on behalf of our children and elderly.


“New Life Mission Inn”-the Church provided office and activity space and support as this non-profit agency that serves adults recovering from substance abuse got off the ground, grew and developed to require larger space. We share the sanctuary annually so that the agency can host their musical concert fundraiser.


We participate in the following PC (U.S.A.) missions:


Joy Gift Offering- Christmas Joy reflects the ministry of “being with,” just as Matthew’s gospel proclaims that Jesus is “God with us.” These efforts bring the whole church together to be with church workers and their families in critical financial need due to illness or a lack of resources. It also equips students of color through leadership development and education at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges to maximize their God-given potential as they become future leaders in our church and in our world. This Offering is our way of being with our brothers and sisters to change lives in dramatic ways


One Great Hour of Sharing- The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self- Development of People - all work in diverse ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Come make an impact with us.

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